A review by a_blue_box_full_of_books
The Kingdom of Chaos: Becoming Fae, by J. J. Smeck


In The Kingdom of Chaos, every Fae receives their powers when they turn twenty-one. But despite it being her birthday, Evie has no idea what her power is yet, as she awakes alone in the dark, imprisoned. Fighting for her freedom, she uncovers many secrets concerning her true identity. 

Becoming Fae is a short Fantasy novel, first opus of the series The Kingdom of Chaos. Despite a promising blurb, I had a very hard time being interested in the misadventures of the young Evie, due mostly to a poor writing.The world building is interesting, as J.J. Smeck drew in different worldwide mythologies and legends to explain the Fae’s powers and identities. Each Fae of the Kingdom is linked to a particular element, depending on the Kingdom where they live. They can, for example, turn into animals or make things appear. 

Evie is an unusual character. She is clearly smart, but sometimes has a hard time following her intuition. Raised in a poor neighborhood, she finds herself surrounded by secrets, mysteries and false memories after her birthday. But everything will surely be unveiled in the next novels.