A review by cowdisease125
Angels by Marian Keyes


So my last review of 2019 was a Marian Keyes book so how's this for symmetry that my first review of 2020 would be one too.

The thing is, in my last review, I said that anyone who would write a negative review for any of her books should give their heads a wobble but now I'm kind of regretting that because, well, I sort of have to give this a negative one.

I think every author who has an extensive catalogue of books is entitled to have a runt and this is the case for Angels. A runt if ever there was one. I mean, it had all this things that I normally enjoy about her books. You know? Easy to follow if not predictable story and her sense of humour. Grand. But, for me, that's the problem. There are themes and storylines in the book that didn't fit with the easy-going nature of the book. To the point it felt borderline-offensive and glib. Which doesn't make sense at all because I've read four of her other books and she handled some similar and some vastly different but still emotional themes with a big more oomph and sensitivity. Not that she was insensitive I just felt like she tried to lighten the mood a bit too early after certain events took place.

Wow. Reviews are difficult to write when you try to avoid spoilers...

The thing is though, I'd have probably forgiven the above if it wasn't for the lesbian dissing. That stuff baffled me. I don't care when the thing was first published, "licking a mackerel" and "lezzer" and all that garbage - nah.