A review by seahomie
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

Did not finish book. Stopped at 20%.
A lot of the childhood stories are told with the benefit of hindsight. Not as immersive as it could be if she stuck more to her perspective as a child. And it doesn't feel as honest.
Doesn't trust the audience. She has to constantly point out or give examples about how her father and her family are actually very clever and capable. Almost as if she feels to need to distinguish them from other poor people. We don't need to know about ability to make us care about the characters. Just make us care.
Specifically the story about doing her homework in binary annoyed me. Okay whatever, but then she talks about recopying it into Arabic numbers to turn in to her teacher. Which made me scream internally. Because if you are going to try to impress us about your math skills, at least get the terminology correct.