A review by beereina
Destruction by Jennifer Bene


Not a true DNF because I didn’t finish but I skipped a bunch and hurriedly got to the end. If I account for what I skipped…. Probably DNF AT 75%

I had to read the blurb to remind myself what this one was about….. so that tells you how little I liked this book and how little of an impression it made on me. 

Im realizing I don’t like noncon that done as revenge or with malicious intent. I don’t mind noncon of the H is infatuated with the h and just doesn’t care that she’s not infatuated with him. But noncon meant to harm …. I don’t like it. 

But that’s not the only reason I didn’t like this story. We have noncon meant to harm but the h immediately hast the body betrayal trope going when he’s breaking into her house seeming like he’s gonna kill her….. it doesn’t make sense. The whole story just had very little depth and the romance wasn’t there to make up for the lack of plot. 

A crime boss has been masquerading as a legit businessman with his daughter at his side and an old enemy resurfaces to kidnap her as revenge against her father. The father does not act as the kidnapper expected… he r@pes her all the while, and he reveals how awful her father really is. For unknown reasons she falls inlove with him and I can’t remember if they live HEA. 

And I don’t say I can’t understand her falling inlove with him because he’s a villain. I love villains…. But she doesn’t even see his face until like 50 to 70 % in. There are no kind words shared between them. No build up of kindness that shows he’s falling for her or vice versa. …. It just wasn’t good.