A review by annieb123
Only Time Will Tell by Jeffrey Archer


The writing is capable and pleasant. I would've given this book (although slow and somewhat meandering) 4.5 stars, save for one train wreck of a plot element which yanked me so far out of the story line I had to walk away for a few hours.
SpoilerColour blindness is an X-linked allosomal trait. Boys get the affected X chromosome from their mothers, not their fathers. I can't believe the book got out there without many/any people commenting on that (beta readers, editors, etc).

I'm not sure if I'll be picking up the following books in the trilogy or not. I was also distressed by
Spoilerthe blatant anachronism of reading the Miranda a couple of decades before it existed.

Readable, enjoyable, a bunch of seriously 'suspension of disbelief' destroying problems. Good beach read, for an undemanding audience.