A review by afreema3
The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller by Carlo Ginzburg

Read for my History Workshop Course I'm taking, which is a requirement for my major. I also do not rate books I had to read for class

My Prof. said that every time he teaches this book he has students who either really love the book, or students who hate the book and don't understand it. I feel a little bit in the middle. This book is just meh to me, I think Ginzburg takes a lot of liberties with his interpretations and assumptions regarding Menocchio. Ginzburg's method of writing and organizing chapters is also a little strange, because as my Prof. pointed out before we started reading, this book isn't written from just point a to z, it twists and turns.

If I ever read The Cheese and the Worms again I feel like my opinion may change because I don't have 5 days to read the book. I read 30 pages a day and honestly I barely made it, and I could not really give this book justice if I summarized it.