A review by proffy
Blameless by Gail Carriger


Alexia Tarabotti once again finds herself entangled in a supernatural hullaballoo, this time offset by her falling out with her husband Lord Maccon. Just as awesome as the first two in the series, Blameless has solidified my love of this protagonist and this world.

In my review of Soulless, I said that the novel combines so many elements I enjoy: paranormals, romance, Victorian London, steampunk, overblown propriety, eccentricity, comedy, sex, and on and on and on. In that review, I also discuss how much I love the contradiction inherent in a person who both abides by and defies propriety simultaneously. In my review of Changeless, I talk about how the character of Alexia is reason enough to read the series, but add in all of the other complex and entertaining characters, the supernatural bent, and the whole steampunk Gothic aura, and wowza!

All I can do at this point is ditto what I've already said. I adore this series and wish there was a back-log of twelve books so that I didn't have to wait for the next installment. I will say though that, as can be the case with romancy-mystery-series novels, I do wish there was a bit more difference from one book to the next. Overall though, I am absolutely thrilled I started this series.