A review by lori85
The Gender Games: The Problem With Men and Women, From Someone Who Has Been Both by Juno Dawson


Excellent book for anyone looking for a funny, accessible read about gender issues, and trans topics in particular. Dawson is witty and engaging and really helped me understand how it is that women who transition as adults are NOT socialized as male. This was something I had trouble conceptualizing. Dawson always knew she was a girl and naturally looked for female role models in pop culture and internalized many of society's toxic messages about womanhood, just like any cis girl. Her best friends were all cis girls and after her first novel came out - which was before she transitioned - many people expressed surprise that someone who they thought was a cis gay man could write teenage girls so well. As Natalie Wynn (Contrapoints) once pointed out, socialization is not a passive process but a two-way street.