A review by alibrareads
From the Dust Returned by Ray Bradbury


I think Bradbury's writing style isn't for me. I also didn't realize this was essentially a collection of short stories written over decades complied into one volume. I'm not familiar with The Family, and the cover doesn't say anywhere that it's a compilation.

This book revolves around the wacky and creepy members of The Family living in Illinois in The House, which is a place where all of the haunted and dead and forgotten things go to revel in their existence in the face of a world that has begun to thoroughly revoke their existence. People don't believe in ghosts and night creatures anymore, and this is sort of like their last stand.

That sounds spooky and fun, but really nothing at all happened in this book. It's all about the flowery purple prose that Bradbury breathes into his writing, and honestly it just does nothing for me. I feel the same boredom for it as I do with poetry and old classics like Shakespearean plays (I'm sorry, please don't hate me!). It's just not my cup of tea. No accounting for taste, right? I WISH I was sophisticated enough to enjoy that kind of literature, but I'm just not. I love me some metaphors and beautifully painted imagery in my books, but so far Bradbury's writing comes across to me as outdated and slow.

Also, there's a creepy scene where a girl who is (in that moment) 18 years old, kisses Timothy, a 10 year old boy, to whom she has no blood relation, smack on the mouth. Twice.

So yeah, this book wasn't for me!

Check out my YouTube review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfIz8QlS2jw