A review by rickklaw
The Bulletproof Coffin by David Hine, Shaky Kane


Steve Neuman cleans houses of the recently dead. When he uncovers a collection of freshly printed Golden Nugget comics, Steve knows something is not right. Nearly 50 years ago in the early 60s, Big 2 Publishing acquired the rights to all Golden Nugget publications, promptly canceling all the titles. Things get even weirder when elderly versions of the Golden Nugget heroes appear, telling him that he must help them find the Creators -- David Hine and Shaky Kane -- to save the future and their existence. In this clever bit of metafiction, Hine and Kane introduce an entire comic book publisher and heroes, complete with prose historical articles and letters pages. The contemporary tales of Steve's adventures intertwine seamlessly with the freshly created, previously unknown Golden Nugget stories. These new tales reveal key elements of Steve's story and a possible dark future. Kane's graphic stylings nearly perfectly mimic the comics of the late 50s and early 60s, while maintaining a unique vision. Same goes for the prolific writer Hine. The action-filled, thought-provoking Bulletproof Coffin barrels along at quick pace, culminating in a creative and satisfying conclusion.