A review by jenniedaisy
Things Are Looking Up by Maxine Morrey


4.5 stars

The book follows the story of workaholic Milly who gets hits by a bus (!) just when her career looks like its picking up and it seems she is going to have to start all over again. Then cue her ex boyfriend Jed strolling back into her life. And things are looking all over the place!

For starters, Jed Matthews !!! I seriously think he is the best male main character I've read this year and that's saying something! He is the perfect mixture of everything. Honestly, I'd recommend this book just for Jed.

Millys character growth was really great to see and I loved how it wasn't necessarily linear. She definitely bugged me slightly at the beginning but I'm so glad i stuck with it

I also loved how this book tackled grind culture and how toxic it really can be. I think it could be a really eye opening read for some.

(also slightly superficial I know but I do love when a book set in the uk !!)

The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is because i feel like it ended  abruptly and i would have liked to see the story played out a little longer. Aside from that if anyone is looking for an easy read i would definitely recommend!