A review by impybelle
Flesh and Blood by Patricia Cornwell


Freakin' cliffhanger!

That's your warning.

Otherwise, Flesh and Blood inches us back to the Scarpetta novels not requiring alcohol and a short memory in order to get through them. Yay! I'm not entirely sure I would get on board with anyone saying current Kay isn't cold (I think I found her less so earlier in the series but I'm not positive this isn't a case of rose colored glasses) but whatever floats your boat, guys.

The book starts off more like the cookbook we got eons ago and then kind of throws us into a series of murders that don't seem connected but most definitely are.

I do wonder how many pages we'd lose if anyone around Kay would actually communicate with her and not start a conversation in the middle and wait for chapters to circle around to the beginning.

Marino is on the road to recovery from his previous character assassination (yay!) but Lucy is still... whatever Lucy is. I continue to find Benton to be as dull as dishwater but that's a step up from wanting to throttle him as I have in previous books, so that's a thing. Also, I do fear for him in the cliffhanger and that's also a positive. (Me not wishing him dead, I mean. Not that he's in danger.)

I called the bad guy (well, one of them) but then spent the rest of the book trying desperately to remember anything about them aside from the obvious. I'm not so sure I should be re-reading Scarpetta books from before the shark jump, honestly, especially since it's taken so long to get back to a place where I enjoy more than I don't.