A review by supdankosmos
The Conquest of Happiness by Bertrand Russell


Truth, however, is not always interesting, and many things are believed because they are interesting.

This is my first Russell and I'm not disappointed.
Love love love this book!

This book is divided into two section, the first one is the causes of unhappiness and the second one is on how to find happiness. Reading this book makes happiness looks so simple. Russell taught me a lot of things, from not expecting much on life to raising a child.

According to Russell, these are the commonest things that causes happiness and unhappiness :

- Simple things that causes happiness : food and shelter, health, love, successful work and the respect of one's own herd.

- Commonest causes of unhappiness : Fear, envy, the sense of sin, self-pity, and self admiration

Highly recommended!
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Fear is the principal reason why men are so unwilling to admit fact and so anxious to wrap themselves round in a warm garment of myth.

Each of us is in the world for no very long time, and within the few years of his life has to acquire whatever he is to know of this strange planet and its place in the universe. To ignore our opportunities for knowledge, imperfect as they are, is like going to the theater and not listening to the play. The world is full of things that are tragic or comic, heroic or bizarre or surprising, and those who fail to be interested in the spectacle that it offers are forgoing one of the privileges that life has to offer.