A review by jsmithborne
The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey


Gah. Mixed feelings about this book. I liked the characters and the plot was great, but ew gross! Maybe the problem is that I'm not 17 or whatever age this YA book is aimed at, but there were sections where I had to concentrate really hard on not thinking too much about what had just been described. Also, sort of had a hard time iwth the fact that the evil monsters in this book are the same creatures as a main character in [a:Catherynne Valente|7021709|Catherynne Valente|http://www.goodreads.com/assets/nophoto/nophoto-U-50x66-251a730d696018971ef4a443cdeaae05.jpg]'s [b:The Habitation of the Blessed|8144399|The Habitation of the Blessed (A Dirge for Prester John, #1)|Catherynne M. Valente|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1283556269s/8144399.jpg|12942786], a book I liked a lot more than this one!