A review by corinnab
A Little Magic by Lindsey Lanza


3.25 Here's the thing. This was a very sweet story... And I could relate to it so much, but it felt so immature. The FMC has lupus and battles with that throughout the entire book. I have 3 autoimmune diseases, one being RA, which is very similar to Lupus. There were many scenes, and one in particular where I felt so seen. And the MMC is a gem. But, I struggle so much with YA and while this is a bit older, the story starts out when the FMC is 9 years old. It was just hard to get thru. Also, I am not sure the audiobook was the way to go. I do think I would have enjoyed it more if I had read a physical copy. Again, a very sweet story. Very relatable story.... I just wasnt the right audience for it.