A review by apostrophen
Dog Warrior by Wen Spencer


The world of Ukiah Oregon (do start at the beginning, with "Alien Taste") is a strange one. He's part alien, with some rather unique abilities and attributes, and he was found as a wild boy in the woods, and raised by loving lesbian parents. Now Ukiah is a private investigator, and has a partner in the PI business, and a love interest on the side who works for the FBI.

And a horde of alien creatures after him who plot his destruction, and/or use as a breeding subject. Sometimes life is harsh.

In this book, however, Ukiah stumbles upon an unknown sibling! Atticus Steele seems to be involved in something way over his head, potentially meshed in with drug gang warfare, and Ukiah isn't sure he can get him out - or warn him about what his brother really is. A really solid story, and it was nice to get into a different character's head and yet stay in the same world that Spencer has obviously worked so hard to craft.

Start at the beginning, but proceed through them all with all haste! You won't be let down.