A review by mehsi
Geek Drama by Holly Smale


This was kind of confusing. Still fun, but I had no clue where in the book the story was until we found out about Annabel still being pregnant. My expectations were that the story would continue from the last book or from the book previous to that. Not just go back in time all the way.

And can you imagine my joy at first when Nick was there and Harriet and he kissed? I thought they made up, I thought they were together again. Imagine my sadness when I found out this was from way back. :( :( :( Yes, I still want these two to get together again. They are so perfect for each other.

In this book we got a play (which was saved in an epic way by a character no one expected to save the day), modelling and friendship. And of course silly situations happening at Harriet's home.

I really like the play, though I don't really get why the teachers still let Alexa participate in things. They know what she does, what she is doing and still they won't stop her much. They will scold her, give her detentions, but do you guys really think that a bully will be stopped by something as that?
But the play was fun. I felt sorry for Nat though, but I guess it was expected that that would happen. :)

I loved Harriet in this one, she was still a bit obnoxious/annoying, but maybe because the format was so short I didn't have the usual problems of getting tired of her behaviour. I will still stick to my point that she acts like a freaking 5 year old (or even younger).
But her action near the end was awesome. Though I guess she will be in a lot of problem for doing that, but it is truly the first time that she took a stand and acted against someone.

There was one thing that seemed odd though. Her satchel died (read to find out how in the book), and she was carrying Annabel's briefcase. A page later she suddenly and magically got a doughnut out of her satchel. Which she didn't have? Or am I blind, though I also asked someone else and they agreed that something was off there. From what we can read the briefcase holds Harriet's books and pencilcase, there is no mention of a satchel, and yet the satchel is named and a crumbly doughnut is found and eaten.

Also what is up with the cover model in this one? Normally the eyes look pretty human, but in this one the eyes look off and weird and creepy. Not really what I was hoping for as I love the other covers.

But all in all it was a good book and I really enjoyed it.

Review first posted at http://twirlingbookprincess.com/