A review by pwbalto
The Adventures of Nanny Piggins by R.A. Spratt


"Oh yes," said Nanny Piggins. "I can regale people with anecdotes from my sordid past and think at the same time."

That's my kind of nanny. In fact, if resumes had epigraphs, I might have to ask her if I could use that quote on mine. It should certainly be inscribed on Nanny Piggins's calling card. After all, I'm just a librarian who used to sell kites for a living - Nanny Piggins is a pig on the run from a cunning ringmaster who has signed her to an exclusive fifty-year contract which stipulates, among other things, that she is to be shot out of a cannon on a daily basis.

Full review on Pink Me: http://pinkme.typepad.com/pink-me/2011/03/nanny-piggins-spratt-santat-review.html