A review by drey72
First You Try Everything by Jane McCafferty


First You Try Everything is sad and disquieting, and you cannot help but be drawn into Evvie’s chaos as she tries to make sense of what’s happening to her marriage. You feel her confusion, her helplessness, her fear.

Things come to a head when Evvie takes drastic action to make Ben realize he still loves her. She cannot imagine that he doesn’t – especially when he tells her there isn’t someone else and it’s just him. What wife wouldn’t assume that he’s just going through a mid-life crisis? And you want to smack Ben upside the head for not being honest with her. Sometimes, sparing the truth only brings more hurt than what you meant to avoid.

I didn’t love this story – maybe because the subject matter is a difficult one, and it’s always hard for me to like difficult topics when it’s not wrapped in humor. I call it a personal failing, and you should give this a whirl and make up your own mind about it. Check out the other tour stops to see what others think – the links are on TLC Book Tours.

drey’s rating: Pick it up!