A review by sarah42783
Trust by Pippa DaCosta


Previous rating: 15 stars.
New rating: 20 stars. Because DUH and stuff.

And the moral of this reread is: “Count the stars” =

And the other moral of this reread is: “The End?” = Hahahahahaha. so bloody shrimping evil hilariously funny you are, Pippa DaCosta.

[Original review]

BOOM. 15 stars. Just like that.

Do you hate GIFS? That is just so sad. Your life sucks. And things are about to get much worse. PLEASE STAND BACK.

Sorry. I needed to get this all out of my system before I started writing this non-review. Which, by the way, is going to be epically unepic. But it's not my fault. Nope. It's Pippa DaCosta's. Yep. Don't believe me, my little barnacles? Why am I not surprised? Oh well. As I was saying, this unepic non-review to come has to be blamed on Pippa DaCosta, aka the woman who uses books to exterminate her readers' synapses and annihilate their one remaining grey cell (the one whose life she was kind enough to spare the last time said readers read one of her stories).

Evil Pippa is Evil. And deviously wicked. And wickedly devious. Obviously. Why else would we love her so much?

I'm sorry, what? What did you just say? I haven't yet started non-reviewing the book? So what? I said this non-review was going to be unepic. I never said it wasn't going to be unepically long. Do you know what your problem is, little barnacles? You're always complaining my non-reviews are too long, but you're always interrupt me while I'm writing them. Isn't that kind of counter-productive? Thought so. Now can you please shut up? Thank you.

So. Where was I? Oh yes. Evil Pippa is Evil and that is why we members of the Wicked Pippa Cult worship her. The woman has no mercy. She messes with your feelings like no other author. She takes your little heart (well I don't have one, but some people do), squashes it eagerly, gives it a good squeeze, relaxes her grip a bit so you can resume breathing for 2 seconds, then throws your poor wreck of an organ on the floor and stamps on it for good measure. Which feels a little like this:

Sometimes it feels like this, too:

And typically, while reading one of Pippa's books, you end up feeling like this:

It is absolutefreakingly GLORIOUS. Damn, I love this woman. Her books make me feel alive. Think I'm exaggerating? Well I'm not. I mean, I was born that way. It can't be helped. And it doesn't change the fact that I'm not. Exaggerating I mean. Please do try to follow! You know why Pippa's books make me feel alive? Because they remind me I don't have a heart that beats and feels and stops and restarts and oh my freaking god it's good to be alive. That's what Pippa does to me. Still think I'm exaggerating? Guess what? I don't give a damn. Ha.

Is this the part where I'm supposed to tell you about the book? It is? Sigh. Can't you just read it, get your heart properly squished, and start fangirling over it all on your own? No? Fine. I'll do it. I'll tell you two or three things about this oh-my-freaking-god-it-is-so-amazing-my-heart-stopped-pippa-i-hate-you-this-is-so-bloody-fantastic-i-might-die-pippa-i-love-you story. It's going to be crappy though. Don't say I didn't warn you.

This is a story about a bunch of off-the-scale fucked up people. They lie, they cheat, they use each other (in wonderfully diverse ways, hahahaha. I'm so funny. Even if you don't realize it), they backstab, they save your ass…only to backstab you all over again the first chance they get. Oh, and did I mention they lie and cheat and use and backstab? I did?

But, you see, sometimes the strangest things happen. Sometimes even the biggest backstabbing, selfish assholes and self-centred bitches develop a conscience. And sometimes even a *whispers* heart *faints* Damn. I wanted to have Caleb Shepperd's freaking babies before he became a half-decent human being! What am I supposed to do now? Surrender my body and soul to him?! Bloody hell, YES! OMG OMG OMG I think I just had the best idea ever!! Caleb, baby, I know you are suffering from a weird "I think I may have a heart" condition right now, but don't worry, I'm going to take good care of you! I happen to have just the medication you need!

So, to make things clear, and in case anyone missed it: CALEB-IS-MINE-SHEPPERD IS MINE.

Is there more to the book that Caleb-is-mine-Shepperd (is mine), you ask? Kind of. Hahahahaha ← this is me being hilarious again. (Just pointing it out in case you were wondering.) There is Fran, the biggest might-not-be-so-heartless kickass, lying bitch this side of the Nine Systems. Damn you Fran, you're completely fucked up but I might want to be you when I grow up! And then there's One. Aka #1001. Aka one of the mostest awesomest non-human-but-almost-and-certainly-more-human-than-most-humans characters ever created. One, if I could be a machine when I grew up, I'd be you. You are amazing. I want to be as alive as you are. I want my failsafes and protocols breached. I want to be the ghost in the machine. I want to count the stars with you, even when there are none. I want to break people open in good ways, just like you. Yes, I want all that, One. But most importantly I want to tell you something. Caleb already told you this, but as you probably know I love rehashing, so here goes: Fuck you, One.” Yes, that's right. Because I might want to be you, but sometimes I don't like you very much. Sometimes. And sometimes I don't like Pippa very much either. Sometimes. Mind you, that only happens sometimes.

At this point, my little barnacles, you're probably wondering what the bloody fish I am talking about. I don't blame you. I would, too, if I weren't me. But I happen to be me, so I won't. Ha. At this point, my little barnacles, you're probably dying to ask me this question:

Yes, absolutely. Pippa Crack. Best stuff to get high on this side of the Nine Systems universe.

What now? No freaking clue. This is the last instalment in this series, and the first withdrawal symptoms are already kicking in *gives herself a pep talk: do not cry, do no cry, do not cry! You are heartless and have no feelings, remember?* I guess I could go on and on and on about how cool-amazing-awesome-fantastic the story is. How you've probably never read anything like it before. How fast-paced, kickass, gripping, freaking page-turning, oh-bloody-hell-i-don't-believe-it it all is. But I won't. Wait. I think I just did. Sneaky little me.

So there you have it. This book is too awesome for words. This story is too awesome for words. This series is too awesome for words. These characters are too awesome for words. Pippa DaCosta is too awesome for words. All her books are too awesome for words. I am too awesome for words.

➽ And the moral of this non-review is: "Don't fuck with the fixer."

➽ And the other moral of this non-review is:

➽ And the other, other moral of this non-review is:

ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Prequel: Girl From Above: Falling (short story) ★★★★★
Book 1: Girl From Above: Betrayal ★★★★★
Book 2: Girl From Above: Escape ★★★★★
Book 3: Girl From Above: Trapped ★★★★★
Book 5: Girl From Above: Deliverance - to be released 2019.