A review by literately
Of Mist and Shadow by Jenna Wolfhart


This book is difficult to rate because while the writing isn’t great… it’s not terrible either? And the plot is just intriguing enough to keep me reading. It has all of the ingredients of a good book but it isn’t assembled as well as it could be.

As some other reviewers mentioned, there were tropes tossed in Willy nilly that weren’t fleshed out well enough to create the desired effect. It feels like time is spent on details that don’t matter and then other parts are rushed.

Still, it kept me reading and the ending cliffhanger got me to grab the next book immediately. Since it’s available on KU, I had no qualms about continuing the series.

It’s funny because before I came to review this book I didn’t even notice that I’ve read a series by this author before— the Demons After Dark: Covenant series. I felt similarly about that one— it got me interested enough to read through some shoddy writing because overall it was enjoyable. However that series had a seriously lame ending so I’m hoping this one is better.