A review by glovesbookss
You Shouldn't Have Come Here by Jeneva Rose


Told through alternating POVs. We have Grace trying to get away from her busy city life rents a room in Calvin’s Wyoming ranch Airbnb. From the start there is something unsettling going on that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. The more the story went on the more unreliable both Calvin and Grace became in their POVs. Just when I thought I figured it out BOOM something happens that changed my mind. Serious whiplash with both of these unreliable characters. It was definitely a slow thriller, there was even some “romance” going on in the first half.

Overall I really enjoyed this one and did not expect the ending at all but if I have to hear “BLUE BLUE EYES” one more time I’m going to lose my mind!!!! We get it. They’re blue. Which turned out to be ironic because of the ending but it didn’t need THAT much emphasis.