A review by rusticreadingal
The Story Peddler by Lindsay A. Franklin


I'm not gonna lie, it was initially the gorgeous cover that first grabbed my attention. When I read the synopsis, I was completely intrigued. And then, when I finally delved into story, I was utterly enchanted. What a breathtakingly amazing adventure it was!

Tanwen is a great character. She's full of spunk and is instantly likable. Though she's the main character, this story also shares the point of view of a couple of other characters - Braith the princess and the mysterious One in the Dark. Usually when there's multiple POVs, I tend to enjoy one more than the other, but not here. All the characters were interesting and even the most minor among them were multifaceted and fully fleshed out.

This book has garnered a lot of praise and, I've gotta say, it lived up to the hype and exceeded my expectations. It's one of those stories that I became completely absorbed in. Real life faded away and I was right in the middle of it all with these characters and visiting this new and wondrous land of Tir.

The Story Peddler is utterly unique. I've read quite a few fantasy novels, but none quite like this. I highly, highly recommend it to everyone that loves fantasy. I'm very eager for book two!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All thoughts and comments are my honest opinion.