A review by jackirenee
The Witch's Grave by Shirley Damsgaard


With some sexy and intimate dreams visiting her lately, Ophelia Jensen is finally turning into an optimist. Then the literal man of her dreams shows up into town...and is immediately shot. Yep, back to the same old, same old for Ophelia.

One reason I love these books is the setting. Being a gal from Central Iowa, I love hearing mention of running into Des Moines for movies and shopping, or seeing the name of my favorite winery owner appear on the page.

I also love these books for Ophelia's relationship with her grandmother, Abby. Their relationship continues to grow and we discover more and more about each of their abilities. I also adore seeing the changes that have taken place since Ophelia's adoptive daugher, Tink, has come into the picture.

The Witch's Grave delved into some tough political waters, which I appreciated as it brought a bit more intellectual meat to the stories than past books have. Some would likely say it was a bit soapboxy, but I tend to agree with the opinions presented, so I enjoyed reading the perspectives as they were written.

However, these books tend to follow the same patterns, story after story. I sometimes even wonder about Ophelia's intelligence, given that somethings are so completely obvious in the storyline that I sometimes find myself shouting at the Ophelia, disturbing my family as they quitely watch the TV.

Regardless, Abby and Ophelia are a hoot and I am on to the next book in the series.