A review by bellatora
Lullaby for a Lost World, by Aliette de Bodard


Precisely written and atmospheric, de Bodard explores whether the sacrifice of the few is worth the safety and prosperity of the many. This is an idea that has been delved into many, many times before (even Supernatural had a season 1 episode on this concept). The answer in fiction is always "no" which is interesting because societies have always been built on the answer being "yes" (from slavery to factory labor, whether we are in the immediate presence of the abuse, or whether, for instance, we will never see the child slaves harvesting the cocoa for the cheap chocolate we eat).

Although I appreciate the emotion and artistry that de Bodard brings to this story, it is very short and ultimately a bit unsatisfying - the reason why I historically avoided short stories is that they usually feel jarringly abrupt. An author can only pack so much character development and word building into less than 2 dozen pages, and de Bodard certainly does an admirable job putting a lot of both in while telling a brief but complete story. Still, it's like getting a single taste of a lovingly plated and deliciously prepared feast - most of the time, I want a full meal, not just a bite.