A review by natalye
Come Together, Fall Apart, by Cristina Henriquez


"Come Together, Fall Apart" -Cristina Henriquez (2006)

Short story collections are admittedly one of my favourite things to read, and this book (a collection of eight short stories and one novella) was no exception. I loved how each story was separate and distinct but that an overall theme arcing through the book tied the stories together. The setting - the country of Panama - served to create cultural nuances that ran through all the pieces, adding to the continuity of it all. Reading these stories was comforting and sweet and I could relate to a lot of the characters and the ways they thought and expressed emotions and ideas. In fact, it was difficult to put the book down just because it felt so comfortable and easy to read, without being boring. I look forward to more work from this author, because her voice is fresh and inspiring.

Began: March 14, 2009
Ended: March 17, 2009
Page Count: 306