A review by blkmymorris
Students for a Democratic Society: A Graphic History by Paul LeBanc, Nick Thorkelson, Mark Naison, Max Elbaum, Heather Tobis Booth, Michael Balter, Paul M. Buhle, Mariann Wizard, Alan Wald, Gary Dumm, Bruce Rubenstein, Alice Embree, Harvey Pekar, David Rosheim, Sally Lillydahl, Fredy Perlman, John Pietaro, Eric Gordon, Josh Brown, Penelope Rosemont, Wes Modes, James Cennamo, Gene Booth


comicbookresources listed this as one of two of Harvey Pekar's works to avoid. I wish I had read that article before I read this book. it's overly verbose and Gary Dumm's artwork is very static. He doesn't draw women or black people well. It was a great relief when other illustrator told their story.

I need to find a nice non-graphic novel version of this historical group.