A review by naughtynicky
Forever by Maggie Stiefvater


Forever is the final book in The Wolves of Mercy Falls series.

The tables have turned and Sam has spent the winter human while his girlfriend Grace has spent the winter as a wolf.

Spring is just around the corner which means Sam & Grace can finally be reunited.

As the transformations from wolf to human are tied to the temperature Sam knows only too well how hard it will be for Grace to come back to herself and hold onto her human half.

Even when she can stay human Sam & Grace are not going to have things easy.

Grace’s parents are positive that Sam kidnapped/murdered Grace when she disappeared from hospital at the end of book 2.

Then there’s Cole St. Clair, the rockstar turned wolf, who is also a reckless genius. Cole wants to find a proper cure for werewolfism, and he’s more than happy to carry out dangerous experiments on himself.

There is also Shelby, the white wolf, who wants to kill Grace and fight her way to the top of the pack.

Isabel Culpepper warns Sam, Grace & Cole that her father is planning a way to kill all the wolves in the forest.

They all have to put aside their problems to work together to save their family and friends who are trapped in wolf bodies in the forest.

The ending is one you either love or hate (I loved it) as it doesn’t answer all the questions and while this is the last book, it leaves an opportunity for the story to be continued.