A review by kerribookhoarder
Storm Fall by Tracy Banghart





ONE MONTH!! I am so excited. as;lkdjfas


Oh, I'm sad that nobody who I follow or have friended has read this one, as far as I can tell...

I quite enjoyed this second installment in the series! To be honest, I think I will need to reread it at some point, in part because of the mood that I was in when I went into it.

I didn't feel that this was quite as strong as the first book in this series, but I still really enjoyed it nonetheless. I love the world that Tracy Banghart has created, and the strength of her characters, especially the women. Issues of sexism, love, friendship, treachery and war are all taken on as they were in the first book and I love that. So many books don't really overtly challenge tropes, and while there's nothing wrong with that and those books are still quite powerful, I love it when books pretty much spell out what's going on.

Aris remains as strong and nuanced as she was in the first book, but what I especially loved about this sequel was the depth that was brought to the secondary characters. Some books tend to be quite insular and focus on just a couple of characters, here the author has really taken the time to get to know her own secondary characters and breathes new life into them and it's fascinating to read. For me it really added to my enjoyment.

I guess my one quibble with this volume was the romance... It felt a little bit too fast, too soon. It feels WEIRD saying that, because I ship the pairing! I have no problem with the pairing at all. But it just felt as though everything moved too fast and in some ways, I wondered why there wasn't more conflict or even consequences... But maybe that's in the third one. But like I said, I know it's a weird complaint :P

I also wish that the plot had been just a teensy bit tighter in this one. I didn't feel as though there was a whole lot that happened, to be honest, though that may be due to the stronger character focus I mentioned above. I guess I just wish that there'd been a tiny bit more action to move things along.

I really am looking forward to the conclusion to this series, though, and the good news is that it's coming out sometime this year!! :D