A review by itsgwenworld
The Bodyguard by Katherine Center


The Bodyguard was my first read by Katherine Center and it definitely hooked me to purchase a few of her previous writes. I enjoyed the writing style, the characters, and the cheesiest of cheesy 'rom-com' moments.

Though the book was full of the typical romance clichés, I didn't mind it. I enjoyed the swap of the usual gender roles we see in 'rom-coms', the manly man saving the damsel in distress; Hannah Brooks, the small but mighty Executive Protection Agent protecting Jack Stapleton, the world-famous movie star from stalkers, assassination attempts, and all things an actor might worry about coming in between them and their perfect lifestyle.

This book includes, swooning, heartfelt romance, and lines that made me giggle -a Jack Stapleton type of giggle- so if you enjoy witty comments, sarcasm, and hysterical banter this book might be the one for you. If you like to read Hollywood romances, this book is for you. If you enjoy the "proximity trope" this book is made for you. If you like characters that have a dark past, secrets, and heart-wrenching back stories similar to Colleen Hoover and Emily Henry's characters, this book is for you!

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for a copy of The Bodyguard by Katherine Center in exchange for my honest review! The Bodyguard is available for preorder and will be out July 2022.