A review by recorderkfk
Unmapped: The (Mostly) True Story of How Two Women Lost at Sea Found Their Way Home by Charlotte Getz, Stephanie Phillips


I bought this book at the Annual Mockingbird Ministries' Conference in NYC. I bought two copies, one for a friend and one for me. We ended up reading it, long distance together.

The book follows real life gal friends Charlotte and Steph who are both uprooted from their cozy southern state lives to Long Beach, CA and Sydney, Australia respectively. Removed from everything they know, the two dialogue in the book about the changes, imagine themselves lost at sea or wandering in the desert. It's part memoir part based on a true story fiction.

There is so much that is unique and refreshing about this book. It's as much a celebration of womanhood as it is woman being themselves and wrestling with their own trust in God. The honest "diary like entries" and the hilarious play parts balance the tone well. Charlotte and Steph really know how to hit their points! Points being: motherhood, trust, wine, fear, responsibility, wandering etc.

I loved reading the book with my friend and know the book will only go from 4 to 5 starts once I understand motherhood better. Still, such a fun read and best prayed over and savored with someone else!