A review by allen_h
Big Al by Andrew Clements


This is a book about a great big, friendly, ugly fish. Big Al has no friends because of his looks. Despite his efforts to gain friends with the other fish, he is unsuccessful. One day Big Al notices that all the other fish are trapped in a net. He rips a hole in the net and frees the other fish. Unfortunately, he becomes ensnared in the net and it is raised to the surface and out of the water. With one look at Big Al, the fishermen throw him back into the sea, where he is joined by all of his new friends.

I like this book for several reasons. First, it is about friendships, and there are many times that I have felt the same way as Big Al. Second, I was called Big Al all through junior high and high school.

This would be a great book to show that looks do not determine what someone is like on the inside, and that we should not stereotype anyone just because of appearances. (I Sam. 16)