A review by bookobsessed_emily
Corinne by Rebecca Morrow


Book Review : 5/5

This book caught my eye as I was walking by and I decided to purchase it in about 5 seconds because something about it was telling me that this was a story I had to read. I very rarely ignore that gift feeling. It has led me to some of my favorite reads at the most random occasions.

Some would say this book is about religion, some would say about romance, some church, some control. I can’t say that I disagree with any of those, but they truly don’t encapsulate this novel.

In this novel we find Corinne and Enoch. The former, a perfect example of the exemplary church boy, the latter.. not so much. After she’s cast out of the fundamentalist church, Corinne rebuilds her life. Only run into the very thing that ruined it, Enoch Miller. It’s been 15 years. One thing remains constant, “Corinne would never be over him, but that was all right. She was used to that.”

This book hit on so many things that I experienced growing up (I was not fundamentalist in any sense, but the control, the judgement, the guilt, the subsequent deconstruction of self I had to do afterwards was very familiar). In many ways, these are things many individuals face when they decide to leave, in any sense and I found it heartbreaking, honest, and validating.

Corinne and Enoch are two very imperfect characters. And their imperfect romance was heart-wrenching and beautiful. Flawed and honorable. At times, I felt like I was reading about strangers I had known my entire life. The prose was blunt, sarcastic, and it ripped my heart straight out of my body most of the time. Truly, my favorite kind of fiction. Second-chance romance is not a trope I read often but this one was just WOW. no other words suffice. The angst, the yearning, the miscommunications, the pining, the secret glances, the absolute SHOCK when they see the other again. *chefs kiss*

I love the emphasis of the burden and blame placed on females in the church. The double standards. The control exerted on girls even while they’re children.
“You make me sound like an ordeal. Like I was something sent to tempt you. I was just a kid.” 
The discussions on gender roles, sexism, female pleasure, body confidence, and societal standards were intimate and refreshing.

This is an adult book and features adult themes and sexual situations.

- Forbidden Romance
- Second Chance Romance
- Yearning, pining, all the angst
- A healthy amount of spice