A review by kfriend
Saved by the Mountain Man by Gemma Weir


Gah- this series is just so delicious! Despite convention, my fervent feminism, or even LOGIC, I somehow fall head over heels every time for the crazy, alpha, "you're mine" caveman antics of these Montana Mountain Men. Yummy- just yummy. But Teddy takes the cake, y'all. Saved by the Mountain Man is by far my favorite in the series. Brimming with the over the top alpha possessiveness Weir so deftly delivers, sweltering with dirty talking sizzle, and chock full of the magnetic chemistry that's permeated these stories, Saved by the Mountain Man has everything that makes this series so gosh darn addictive. But even better, Weir takes this one in a slightly different, but much welcomed, direction, and it made the romance all the richer and more charming. I could not put this Mountain Men story down! I gobbled it right up and wanted to dive back in for more.

I don’t want to spoil you on the Barnett brothers’ latest claiming antics, but I will say I was delighted at how fresh this particular outing felt in the series. While Gemma always puts a different spin on each story, the architecture is understandably similar- the Barnett men fall hard and fast just like the prophecy-like generational tale of their father and the brothers before them. In Teddy’s story however, Gemma explores an aspect of the Barnett mindset that I’d always been curious about- and it makes this story not only lots of original fun, but it makes Teddy stand out as the swooniest and most delicious Barnett to date.

Oh yes, Teddy sparkles. We still have all the growly possession paired with over the top swoony devotion, but Teddy proves something that the other Barnett men haven’t quite figured out. He can be possessive and dominating without being demoralizing or domineering. There’s a gentleness to Teddy’s breed of crazy that is just radically compelling, a respect and thoughtfulness that is both humorously challenging for him at times but also so very endearing. Dare I say, he’s the most logical of this batch?! He recognizes their insanity, and while he certainly dives right in, he also tempers it with a bit more patience. It not only makes him the most dreamy of the brothers thus far, without losing any of what makes this series so addictive, but it also makes his relationship seem the most substantive thus far. He bother possesses Juniper and is a loving partner to her- of course, the way it all plays out is what makes this particular story so interesting.

And Juniper is a fantastic heroine- also my favorite so far. She’s level headed, resilient, hard working and caring. She’s both self-assured and insecure in places, but refreshingly clear on who she is and in touch with her needs and own baggage. She’s also positive, despite having a life story that really wouldn’t warrant it- the perfect nexus of pragmatic and optimistic. And best yet, she’s got a bit of a bite. And her bite doesn’t come in feigned sass or stereotypical “tough girl” bravado that we often see authors attributing to “strong’ heroines. Her strength comes from her self-respect- the ways in which she consistently, stoically, and steadfastly demands for the relationships she deserves. Not to mention, Gemma opens up a whole new can of worms with her smoke jumping hot brothers and their crew- REALLY hoping that springboards into a whole new series.

Together these two are straight FIRE. Best chemistry in the series- they’re fun, they’re intense, they’re sexy, they’re sweet. There are so many layers to their connection- emotive and sensual, restorative and challenging. I just adored watching them muddle through it all. And I feel like we have some real authentic character development in both as they figure out what they want- how to be true to themselves while being true to the person they love. And that’s when the Barnett crazy really WORKS- when the brother finds a way to let their lady be herself while letting their crazy caveman flag fly. And Teddy has just set the standard- listen up Barnett brothers, he’s set the bar high.

I’m super excited to see what Gemma comes up with for our remaining two brothers. AND hello smoke jumpers, PLEASE GIVE ME THEM ALL!