A review by dontbechey20
The Last House Guest by Megan Miranda


This book is most definitely written by Megan Miranda. I have read a few others written by her and sometimes it feels like these books are the same plot line with a different setting and different characters. This book resembles All The Missing Girls a little too closely; but thankfully has its differences. I enjoyed this book and it always had me guessing what was going to happen next.

I think the author seamlessly blended the past and present storylines really well. The storylines following the past give up just enough information to clue you into the mystery in the present. I loved the ending, and could see it coming right before I read it. I just hate that it was abrupt! The first 320 pages were leading up to the big ending...and then it just finished within 10 pages. It felt rushed and I was hoping for more.

Overall, it was a great story that focuses on grief, friendships and mystery (whodunnit). I enjoyed watching it unfold and reveal its many moving parts.

I would recommend this read to anyone who:
-enjoyed All The Missing Girls
-love stories with more than one timeline (this had 2)
-enjoy classic whodunnit plots