A review by somehowbrujoreads
Out Of Touch by Michael Sarais


Ho. Ly. Fuck. I laughed. I cried. I experienced emotions. I screamed. Baby, I went through it and I loved every second of it! 

Out of Touch showed depth. Character development. Growth. I felt like I really grew with the characters. I mean I guess I did because based on the years I was also around the ages of the characters 🤣

I actually did some research on something that happens and learned more about it. I learned that I also have terrible mental representation of all the different accents 😅

Anyways, all the stars! All the love! All the praise! A top contender for the month and possibly year! 

Thank you to Michael Sarais for sending me an eARC for my honest review!

Out of Touch by Michael Sarais releases September 19, 2023!