A review by thebookishfrog
Far from the Tree by Robin Benway


“Content in the knowledge that no matter what happened with your parents, or your girlfriend, that your siblings will still be there, like a bookend that keeps you upright when you feel like toppling over.”

This is a beautiful story, both heart warming and heart wrenching, and it made me cry in happiness as often as I cried in sadness. It’s about family, the one you’re born into and the one you make, and how finding where you belong can really make a difference. It’s about what family truly means; those we love, who love us in return; the people who support, trust and comfort us, the people who, when they hurt each other, are there to bandage each other up after, the people who are always there to catch us when we fall, regardless of whether they’re blood related or not. At heart, it’s about how family is what you make it, regardless of how far the apple falls from the tree.