A review by mubeenirfan
No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump’s Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need by Naomi Klein


This is a book/manifesto for us to follow today.

Trump's win and subsequent actions (no surprises there) have everlasting impacts on all of us irrespective of geographical boundaries. Klein and many like her have been trying to explain far-right resurgence and how it will result in big-business boom at the cost of social services impacting everything from education to health care to climate change. All of that has culminated into a rant in the form of this book.

It is a rant, yes. But it is a highly relevant rant composed of told-you-sos. In the end it talks about how we can take the challenge head on. Steps given are not logical and very vague for a general reader but first step is understanding what is happening, how it is impacting all of us and whether there is an alternate way to doing things.

Give it a read.