A review by emmywritess
The Good Sisters by Helen Phifer


*I received this book through Net Galley in exchange for a honest review*

I don't normally read a lot of horror so this was a bit out of my comfort zone.
I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought i would, but I am just super disappointed because the ending ruined it for me. It was too predictable and boring to be honest.

What I liked:

- I loved that we got to see into the past as well as the present.
- The 1st chapter gripped me and drew me into the story.
- It had a really creepy feel that had me glancing around my bedroom in fear! I even turned my light back on, because my kindle light wasn't enough to stop me from being spooked out.
- The characters felt so lifelike. I especially enjoyed Kate because she was an unreliable narrator, made worse by her alcoholism. I found her easy to relate to because she was so realistic.
- Ollie and Kate were cute. I loved that their relationship didn't happen quickly, and that it slowly built up over the story.

What I didn't like:

- Most of the book was really fast moving and tense, but there were parts that got a little boring.
- the ending was really predictable and it ruined the book for me. The story was good but the ending didn't feel right, and it just felt like any other ghost story.