A review by angels_gp17
Perfect Mate by Jennifer Ashley


Perfect Mate is a novella #4.5 in the Shifters Unbound series by Jennifer Ashley.

I enjoyed retiring to the Shifters Unbound series. I prefer the humans/shifter hook ups, but I still like reading about the shifter/shifter ones. I think this has to do with the shifter/shifter hook ups happen very fast compared to the human/shifter one.

I really like the bears and I like Nell. She is a mother to two grown up boys. I would have liked to have seen the boys mated first. However I enjoyed this novella. I liked Cormac and the plot to get these two together.

Perfect Mate is a sweet and quick read that gives you a taste of the Shifters Unbound world.

~ 3.5 Perfect Mate Stars ~

Audio Mar 2020: The audio was enjoyable.