A review by jennlongb
The Magicians by Lev Grossman

Did not finish book. Stopped at 34%.
Imagine a college-aged Harry Potter that doesn’t actually do much magic — or much of anything. There doesn’t seem to be a definable plot, goal, or conflict. Things just happen, and then the story goes on. The main character over or under sexualizes his female peers, and seems to be offended when they don’t fall for him. He even is offended that his gay (or bi) friend didn’t try to sleep with him, even though he himself is not gay, or bi. But really, nothing of note happened in the first 34%. A couple people died, but was it exciting? Were the deaths impactful? No. I probably could have forgiven some of the sexuality and language if the plot was compelling, but I was just too bored to spend more time on it. 

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