A review by koalathebear
The Passage by Justin Cronin


I really enjoyed this book. I know that a lot of people have criticised it as starting out well but going to pieces later on - but I loved it. It was soooo suspenseful and so cinematic that I'm not surprised that Ridley Scott has purchased the rights for it. I cannot wait for the second book and I would love to see a movie version.

What did I like about it? Oddly enough it wasn't the characters - although they were fine. They were not standouts but they were not annoying. What I enjoyed was the world building, Cronin's writing style and the way he kept me interested and intrigued with what was going to happen next. The 'vampires' are scary and hallelujah for that because I am beyond sick of having vamps characterised as sex objects. There's nothing sexy about copulating with dead flesh, seriously. The 'Virals' in this story are scary and creepy and the battle between the Virals and the remnants of humanity is very interesting. It reminded me a little of World War Z but with vamps not zombies