A review by viktorian
The Possible by Tara Altebrando


tl;dr: I loved the idea of this, and the plot itself was great from start to finish. The main character, on the other hand, was almost unbearable. An unlikable protagonist isn't a deal breaker for me, but she wasn't an anti-hero or complicated; she was shallow, selfish, kind of naive despite thinking she was cynical, and for the first two thirds of the book, literally mean about everyone except for the popular boy she has a crush on, "just because she does" and the effect is terrible. While she did experience some emotional growth, it was far too late. Add in some weird pacing and an overused stylistic device that went from being effective to trite to annoying AF, and there was just no saving it. Which sucks, because the plot and premise was so good. I feel like if it was heavily edited, keeping the plot mostly in place and changing the narrative style, it could be a fantastic book, but unfortunately, we're stuck with Kaylee .