A review by roxsannel
EverMarked by AJ Eversley


Sienna is a young girl who is about to graduate from her school in the DEZ where she is living after being abandoned by her parents at birth, nothing seems too untoward about that, except that because of this she is one of the Marked. This means that she is not allowed outside of the DEZ and as such, not know what the outside world is like and she takes risks by actually going outside and into the arena in the city of Cytos, but she is doing it for a reason, she is preparing for life outside the DEZ, so as well as her studies during the week, she goes into the arena on a weekend so she can provide for herself and her friends when they do graduate.

Jayla is a Watcher and is part of a secret force who keep the citizens of Cytos safe from those they have no idea about, she stops those who would want to harm the population and maintains the secrecy that has been around for over one hundred and fifty year and she has done her job successfully until now.

This story begins with Sienna in the ring and fighting her opponent so that she can remain the Champion, although she has to cover up her marks and her face so that she is not recognised as one of the Marked. After she finishes the fight, she is confronted by her friend who has also sneaked out of the DEZ to find her, as they walk back together, they visit another friend on the way.

As both Sienna and Jayla go about their lives, there is an explosion at a genetics lab within the city limits and this event is a shock and mystery as the explanation is a gas leak, however, this is suspicious to both of them because of the use of robotics as a means to ensure the safety of the population.

As both parties decide to investigate what happened, they realise that something isn't right and that all is not well in the worlds they both live in. What they both don’t realise is that the challenges and barriers which will be thrown up in front of them, will be something that neither is expecting or anticipating.

What will happen once Sienna and her friends graduate? Will Jayla be able to figure out what the significance of the explosion is? Will either of them be able to carry on as they are, or will their futures be more than they are capable of facing?

The answers are in this fantastic book and they’re ready and waiting to be discovered as you are drawn into Jayla and Sienna’s worlds and lives. Be prepared for a rollercoaster ride of emotion, as you delve through this fast paced and exciting read.