A review by appreeshation
White Tears/Brown Scars: How White Feminism Betrays Women of Color by Ruby Hamad


this book took so much out of me simply because i had to get over the negative emotions society has pushed upon me to actually address the issues i face!!!! it felt so so so incredibly validating and i was just so hyper focused on every detail in this book and like i feel so awkward when i talk about anything race-involved esp bc everyone is always tired of my bullshit but this book was just like yes!! it actually is a big deal!!!!! and its written very clearly, with the arguments outlined with the real life examples and historic evidence making for a great great book.

as i mentioned in class (bc yes i discussed this book for a project in class i’m annoying) this book is PERFECT for those who want to call themselves allies in understanding just  few of the struggles women of color go through and for those woc who are doubting their struggles read this for ur validation.

this again, was kind of a struggle for me to get through but in the best way bc it addressed certain vulnerabilities that i always suppressed !