A review by dunguyen
Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb


Another awesome book by Nassim Taleb. This is the fourth book of his that I have read in a row as I am going through all of his works. And to me this is perhaps the most important one of them. In Fooled by Randomness and The Black Swan, Taleb describes how randomness, risk and uncertainty occur more often with disastrous consequences. All of this leads to his concept of antifragility which in hindsight seems like the most simple concept but of course isn't so when you don't know it.
Taleb describes how things are either fragile in which they are damaged from stress, robust in which things withstand stress and lastly antifragile which is the ability to become stronger from stress. This Taleb describes applies to all arenas of life and applies in different places and at different levels. The book is quite amazing for packing in all sorts of concepts that have been described in the two other books mentioned and pack them into this framework of sorts, or rather a philosophy or way of seeing the systems that are around us.
I must say that I don't fully understand all of it but feel like I understand the concepts well enough. Like with The Black Swan I think this is one of those books you gain more from with another reading or two! Highly recommend!