A review by jonetta
Cold Moon by Alexandra Sokoloff


Originally posted on The Book Nympho

Matt Roarke finally has Cara Lindstrom behind bars but he's extremely conflicted. Part of him knows it's where she belongs even if they might not have the evidence for all the murders they suspect are attributable to her. Then there's the part of him that is inexplicably drawn and connected to her. When other men turn up dead during her incarceration, Matt's suddenly faced with the prospect of multiple killers using the same modis operandi.

I'm so fascinated with this series and just as conflicted as Roarke. My head tells me that he needs to get over it and my heart is challenging him to stick with her. The young women introduced in this story seem transparent on the surface but begin to appear just as opaque as Cara. I enjoyed following the investigations as the twists and surprises weren't predictable and had no idea where the clues would lead.

I was hoping for a definitive conclusion this time but there's still a lot unresolved, including Roarke and Cara. This was a strange and creepy but sophisticated story that is hard to pigeon hole. It's mysterious with hints of paranormal elements. The realities presented about human trafficking will leave you discomfited, at least it did me. And, you'll find it difficult to clearly separate the heroes from the villains. It's murky at best.

(I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review)