A review by jenlabrador
Trail of Broken Wings by Sejal Badani


I got 45% through this book and then just could not pick it up anymore. It started off really well. At first I thought it was well written. The characters were intriguing and felt real. I liked the authentic feel in how she added cultural elements. As a child of immigrants it felt very real and not like she was trying to be trendy.

But then about 30% in things just got to a standstill. And then by 40% things got old. I started noticing a lot of clichéd metaphors heavily thrown on--and unnecessarily thrown in, like they jumped at you and tripped you up just when you were starting to get into the scene or feel like you were getting into the character's head and feelings. Plots and characters became stagnant. I found myself getting bored and annoyed, "Are we STILL here? Jesus, let's get going!" The characters started to become pretty unlikeable and it seemed apparent that the author did not know how to get them to change or maintain who they were while still moving the story on. I lost hope it would get better.

I wanted to like it. I wanted to continue. But then I just felt repelled.
