A review by goreting
Too Bright to Hear Too Loud to See by Juliann Garey


Going by the concept of the book (man with bipolar disorder has flashbacks of his life during the twelve 30-second electroshock therapy session he goes through after leaving his family to travel the world), I thought I would greatly enjoy it. I was mistaken.
Juliann Garey has bipolar disorder herself, so it's not surprising that she manages to do what I presume is a good job when it comes to the writing of the disorder and what it feels like to live with it. However, all that is overshadowed by the fact that she has an undeniable power to write like a man. You could hand this book to a hundred people and I doubt one of them would believe you if you told them it was written by a woman. But I do not mean it in a any sort of good way. Apart from the chapter-starters and the ending, this book is riddled with cringe worthy over sexualized descriptions of every woman who crossed the main character's sight, to say the least.
I just feel like this book had the potential to be so much more that it ended up being.