A review by lily_nyx
El cas de la dama esquerrana by Nancy Springer, Peter Ferguson


Ok, let's talk about this book.
When I started it, I really enjoyed it, it felt very fresh and easy to read, I think because I had just read a more complicated fantasy. But then, as the middle of the books approached, I became a bit bored with it. I think that I just didn't click with the case.
All of those things about double personalities and hypnosis just didn't really make sense to me.
Maybe I would've enjoyed this book more if I was a bit younger, but again, I think an important part of it was that I didn't like the case itself. I also feel like I prefered the parts were Sherlock was around, even though here they make him very sentimental (which he isn't). Anyway, Not bad but not very good either. I liked more the other two books from the series I had read previously